Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Worst Song Ever Made

I saw a video on YouTube the other day that changed my life.  I will never look at today's crappy popular music the same way again.  It has changed my perspective on everything.

This video was for Rebecca Black's "Friday"

I can say without a doubt that this is the worst song that have ever been written, ever.  Who thought that this would be good?!  What creatively bankrupt studio loosed it upon the world?!  This makes Justin Bieber look like Mozart.  This makes Hannah Montana look like Janis Joplin.  This makes Ke$ha look like God!

There seems to be a decent amount of effort sunk into this video, too, with some decent Adobe After Effects going on and a guest appearance by a rapper who, to me, looks like he would not stop for even a second to molest any of the teenage girls on screen.  Which leads me to the only positive thing I can say about the video: everyone is age-appropriate.  The teenagers actually look like teenagers, rather than the 20-somethings in letterman jackets you get even in movies about high school.

I'm not even sure that this is real, and not some joke pulled on YouTube to parody all the teeny-bopper pop songs that have been raping our culture for what seems like the last decade.  If it is, then it's a pretty well-done joke, and I commend them for their bold statement against the music establishment.

However, all evidence that I could dig up points to the creators, Ark Music Factory, as being dead-pan serious in their effort to cement Rebecca Black as the next pop sensation.  Their strategy is to duplicate Justin Beiber's rise to fame and debut a new pop star over YouTube to gain enough groundswell for her to really make it big.  If she signs with a record label, then God help us all!

If ever there was a song that would bring about the End of Days, this would be it.  This is the absolute worst, the low point of pop culture, the horrific embodiment of everything that is wrong with the music industry today.  This ear-shrieking siren of death will bring about the undoing of the world.

And I recommend everyone go watch her video!

This is something everyone needs to see.  It's actually so bad, it's brilliant.  It will make you look at acts like Justin Beiber, Ke$ha, and Lady GaGa with new eyes, and make you say "well, at least it's not Rebecca Black."  I'm no longer ashamed of actually liking Katy Perry, because if anyone questions my good taste, I now have something to show them, so that they may see the error of their ways.

You can find the official video here:  They shut down the ratings system, so if you want to contribute to the already-impressive hit count on the video without guilt, then just post in the comments about how terrible it is and you will be absolved.

Enter the world of "Friday," if you dare!

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